The revolution of Artificial Intelligence Diplomacy: Experiences and prospects of use


  • Giulliana Reggiardo Palacios Sección Consular de la Embajada del Perú en Uruguay



Artificial Intelligence (AI), diplomacy, information technologies, processes, public management, embassy, consulate, service improvement, information


Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are reshaping the way we perceive jobs due to machines' ability to learn and perform increasingly complex tasks automatically. In this regard, numerous processes have been optimized, and operations streamlined across various sectors and industries. In such a context, diplomatic work is not exempt from these trends. AI has provided the opportunity to develop more personalized applications and systems, enhancing user experience and offering more accurate solutions. The purpose of this research-action article is to share experiences and perspectives on how AI developments can contribute to the work of diplomatic officials and ultimately have a positive impact on foreign policy execution. For the purposes of this paper, we will share some experiences and perspectives on its use through the development of AI tools to improve internal processes that can yield positive results in various areas of diplomatic action, such as politics, economics, culture, trade, communications, among others.


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Author Biography

Giulliana Reggiardo Palacios, Sección Consular de la Embajada del Perú en Uruguay

Head of the Consular Section of the Embassy of Peru in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. Professor at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC). Master in International Relations and Diplomacy from the Diplomatic Academy of Peru Javier Pérez de Cuéllar. Master in International Relations with a mention in International Cooperation for Development from the Andean University Simón Bolívar of Ecuador. Graduate in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid.


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How to Cite

Reggiardo Palacios, G. (2023). The revolution of Artificial Intelligence Diplomacy: Experiences and prospects of use. International Politics, (134), 153–176.