Opportunity for cooperation as a digital government partner on the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Peru


  • Sang Chul SHIN




e-Government, d-Government, Digital Government, Digital Governance, Digital Transformation, DGCC


Korea and Peru celebrated their 60th anniversary in 2023, following the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1963. With the advent of the digital age, cooperation in the field of digital governance has become crucial, and both countries recognize the need for further collaboration despite having already experienced various digital innovations. Based on Korea's advanced digital government system and Peru's commitment to government innovation and digital transformation, cooperation has been strengthened by sharing each other's experiences and know-how through DGCC. Through proposals in the field of digital infrastructure and digital governance, the two countries will be able to move forward as partners with continuous cooperation and create a better future.


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How to Cite

Chul SHIN, S. (2023). Opportunity for cooperation as a digital government partner on the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Peru. International Politics, (133), 198–211. https://doi.org/10.61249/pi.vi133.72



Essays on the 60th Anniversary of relations between Peru - Korea