Korea and its convergence with Peru


  • Joshua Curay Ferrer




national interests, Korea, Peru, national identity, convergence, strategic association, economic development


The article states, on the one hand, two stages which explain the evolution of Korea as an international actor: i) internal cohesion and ii) external projection; and, on the other hand by the analysis of the convergence of national interests the nature of Korea as a strategic partner of Peru. In the internal cohesion stage, the factors that underlie the modern State and current middle power are described and explained: i) national identity, ii) government policy, iii) business culture, and iv) the population. The external projection stage explains the transition of Korea as a middle power with important internal capabilities, since the end of the Cold War, to becoming a consolidated middle power with full projection of its national interests, during the first two decades of the XXI century. Finally, the convergence of the national interests of Korea and Peru is analyzed, revealing their strategic partnership and the great opportunity it represents for Peru.


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How to Cite

Curay Ferrer, J. (2023). Korea and its convergence with Peru. International Politics, (133), 212–225. https://doi.org/10.61249/pi.vi133.68



Essays on the 60th Anniversary of relations between Peru - Korea