Korea and Peru: strategic partners towards the future


  • Yungjoon Jo




LKorea, Peru, Official Development Assistance, Free Trade Agreement, Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, OECD, Pacific Alliance


On the occasion of the commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Peru, this article analyzes the fruitful bilateral relationship and emphasizes milestones in the strengthening of ties such as the establishment of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2011 and the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2012. Likewise, the article examines how the relationship is strengthened through shared multilateral spaces (APEC) and the possibilities of further strengthening our synergies in multilateral spaces in the future, such as Peru's accession to the OECD and Korea's accession as an Associated State of the Pacific Alliance. Finally, recent cooperation initiatives in various sectors such as civil service reform, defense, health, infrastructure and digital transformation are described.


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Andina (2019). Perú es "la puerta de ingreso" para las inversiones de Corea del Sur a Sudamérica. Entrevista al ex Embajador de Corea en Perú, June-hyuck Cho. Andina.

Proinversión (2022). Registro de Inversión Extranjera Directa. Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas.

Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria (2022). Anuarios de Comercio Exterior (2010 – 2022). Estadísticas de Comercio Exterior. SUNAT.



How to Cite

Jo, Y. (2023). Korea and Peru: strategic partners towards the future. International Politics, (133), 178–183. https://doi.org/10.61249/pi.vi133.66



Essays on the 60th Anniversary of relations between Peru - Korea