Reflections on unilateral commitments of non-state armed actors: the Geneva Call experience


  • Gustavo Laurie Escandón Embajada del Perú en Bélgica



Deed of Commitment, Armed Non-State Actors, Armed Conflict, Customary Law, Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law


Nowadays Non-State Armed Actors (NSAAs) are very frequently parties to armed conflicts, particularly those of a non-international nature. These actors may or may not be subjects of international law and are not considered, in principle, as rule-making entities of international humanitarian law (IHL), although they are obliged to conduct themselves in accordance with this branch of law during armed conflicts. However, their conduct during these conflicts can have a considerable impact on the formation, consolidation, and respect of IHL norms, as well as on the process of universalization of conventional IHL norms and their possible materialization in customary norms. The celebration of formal commitments on the part of the ANSAs can contribute to these processes, as the case of the Commitment Acts that, promoted by the Non-Governmental Organization Geneva Call, are signed by some ANSAs in respect of IHL norms or Human Rights. This article aims to generate a reflection on the legal, political and/or humanitarian impact of this kind of unilateral commitment.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Laurie Escandón, Embajada del Perú en Bélgica

Minister in the Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Peru, he joined in 1989. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, a Diploma in International Relations from the International Institute of Public Administration in Paris, and a Master’s degree in Treaties from the Diplomatic Academy of Peru. He has held positions in the Peruvian Foreign Ministry and served as a diplomat abroad in Paraguay, Switzerland, and currently in Belgium. Between 2003 and 2018, while on leave from the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he worked in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations at the United Nations in Geneva, New York, and Pristina.


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How to Cite

Laurie Escandón, G. (2023). Reflections on unilateral commitments of non-state armed actors: the Geneva Call experience. International Politics, (133), 11–29.