Risks in Latin America due to the loss of control of public space. From the privatization of violence to the security privatization
State, national security, public security, civil security, Latin America, organized crime, armed actors, privatization of securityAbstract
The armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine (2022) generated concern among States and the international community, not only because of the dangers that the territorial invasion of one State against another represents, but also for the tragic humanitarian consequences, mostly over the civilian population (displacements, war crimes, and others). An essential aspect constitutes the fact that a State accomplishes a double role related to the provision of security, first towards the country (national security), and secondly to its own citizens (public security). Therefore, security is considered a legal obligation of States and a constitutional right that all citizens have.
Despite this, in the case of Latin America, currently the main risks to security do not come from the threat of an armed aggression from one State against the territory of its neighbor, but from the gradual loss of control of public space by the growing presence of non-state actors, both national and transnational, that have the intention and capacity to use acts of violence inside the State. These armed actors could be individuals, groups, organizations, and corporations that utilize force or violence to pursue the achievement of illegal interests.
When a State does not control the behavior of non-state actors, for different reasons, it has put on risk not only civil security, but said situation could also constitute a threat or danger to the own governability and stability of other surrounding countries, particularly in the Latin American region. In this sense, a variation of a Security and violence matrix will appear, in which non-state actors have achieved the consolidation of the privatization of violence. Facing this, the State response has been limited. Due to a gradual loss of public space control, nowadays different Latin American governments face the risk of privatization of security, along with growing public insecurity, in detriment of national security and mainly of its citizens.
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