Protection of terrestrial ecosystems in Peru: overcoming the limits geopolitical


  • Andrea Chanove-Manrique
  • Fernando Zumarán Delgado
  • Leonardo Yepez García



foreign policies, international covenant, forests, climate change, human rights


This article addresses the need for new comprehensive foreign policies and their usefulness in safeguarding the biodiversity and resources of our continent. It describes the concept of ecosystem, how it is affected by human activity and why it should be considered as a holistic entity without political boundaries, the current context of the country's international cooperation agreements and the considerations that should be accounted for in the future for the establishment of political agreements. It concludes that proactivity is needed from the different countries to manage terrestrial ecosystems adequately.


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How to Cite

Chanove-Manrique, A., Zumarán Delgado, F., & Yepez García, L. (2023). Protection of terrestrial ecosystems in Peru: overcoming the limits geopolitical. International Politics, (131), 102–113.