The sustainable development goals in post-COVID-19 time and in the look from the human rights
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, climate change, global health crisis, post COVID-19, human rightsAbstract
Faced with the global health crisis, imminent climate change and the loss of biodiversity, we rethink the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the construction of the new paradigm of social ecology for the post-COVID-19 era and from the perspective of human rights; in order to rethink them as policies aimed at achieving a model of sustainable development, with a new lifestyle, as a method for solving global problems and, in particular, local ones, in a normative or ethical approach.
In the article we review the paradoxical poverty of megadiverse countries, in a development with victims, and also analyse climate change, in relation to human rights; generating contributions for the time after social confinement in what has been called "the new normal" and in line with the consideration of the 2030 Agenda, which will guide global economic diplomacy of the next generation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Edwin A. Vegas Gallo, Wilfredo J. Vegas López
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