Climate change in the pragmatism of Peruvian foreign policy through symbolic politics and emotional evaluations


  • Pavel Solís López



peruvian foreign policy, climate change, symbolic politics, appraisal theory of emotion


This article aims to identify opportunities for Peruvian foreign policy in international climate change mitigation systems. To this purpose, it uses the study of foreign policy systems, transformational leadership, which serve as a basis for introducing into the debate the notions of symbolic politics and the Appraisal theory of emotion. In conclusion, it is mentioned that symbolic politics allows the introduction of an agenda in an asymmetric international system, and appraisal theory initiate the discussion on the relevance of emotional interactions in the construction of discourses. Leaving as a final reflection that the issue of climate change is a vital subject for Peruvian national interests.


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How to Cite

Solís López, P. (2023). Climate change in the pragmatism of Peruvian foreign policy through symbolic politics and emotional evaluations. International Politics, (131), 28–46.