Tackling plastic pollution: analysis and perspectives of the beginning of the negotiations towards a global agreement binding


  • Giancarlo Gustavo Mori Campos




Environment, plastic pollution, climate change, plastic waste, microplastics, reuse, marine pollution, sustainable development


Addressing the issue of plastic pollution and its effects on the environment has become an integral part of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The implementation of SDG 12: Sustainable consumption and production; SDG 13: Climate Change; SDG 14: Sustainable development; and SDG 15: Life of terrestrial ecosystems is especially important to stop the generation of plastic waste and prevent environmental damage caused by its excessive use. Peru played a key role in the adoption of the resolution that will seek to draft an international legally binding instrument to combat plastic pollution in early 2022, ensuring that the proposal addresses the full life cycle of plastic. After this stage, the current challenge will be to start drafting the instrument, considering the serious problems generated by plastic pollution in the environment and the efforts that have been deployed at the international level to deal with the consequences of excessive use of this material. In this sense, the treaty must take into account the main advances made by different countries in coordination with the private sector and civil society, aimed at reducing the use of plastic and promoting its reuse in an innovative and sustainable way. 

It will be important to ensure a system that involves responsible and sustainable production of plastics, raising awareness among the general population for responsible consumption, considering the environmental, social and environmental impacts of its use. To this end, the negotiating parties must join efforts to, from the perspective of their own needs and interests, find concrete measures aimed at reducing the production of virgin plastics, reducing their consumption, promoting their reuse, and guaranteeing the safe and adequate disposal of plastics, particularly in the marine environment.


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How to Cite

Mori Campos, G. G. (2023). Tackling plastic pollution: analysis and perspectives of the beginning of the negotiations towards a global agreement binding. International Politics, (131), 46–65. https://doi.org/10.61249/pi.vi131.35