A new orientation of politics foreign affairs on climate change in Peru


  • José Felix Pinto-Bazurco Barandiarán
  • Yolanda Mendoza Neyra




climate change, decarbonization, climate change law, foreign policy, Peru


Given that the problem of climate change threatens the sustainable development of states, as well as maintaining international peace and security, it is advisable that the actions of the international climate regime be implemented under principles of fairness and effectiveness. Reaching a consensus that will allow for a solidarity-based and proportional response in the short term requires a discourse that considers sustainable energy security, as well as defending the human rights, environment, and nature of the Parties most vulnerable to climate change, especially those in the Global South. This article proposes a foreign policy strategy on climate change for Peru that is in line with its foreign policy principles and seeks to safeguard sustainable development, human rights, and energy security.


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How to Cite

Pinto-Bazurco Barandiarán, J. F., & Mendoza Neyra, Y. (2023). A new orientation of politics foreign affairs on climate change in Peru. International Politics, (131), 9–28. https://doi.org/10.61249/pi.vi131.34