The digital environment of the diplomat 4.0: proposal for a framework


  • Diego Rodríguez Vega



diplomacy, digital diplomacy, technolog y, communication, foreign policy, international relations


In this article the transformation of diplomacy, as a discipline and practice, is characterized because of the accelerated technologization (digitization) of the interaction between States, international organizations, communities and global actors in Communication and Information Technologies. On the other hand, the debate about whether it is possible to place on social networks and digital information platforms the center of change in the management of traditional diplomacy. It also analyzes the response of the manager of diplomacy and international relations, faced with the challenge of connecting to the world, developing skills and new capacities, and promoting institutional objectives to respond effectively to the growing demand of the population. Finally, from a review of the most important features of the new global digital governance, a framework is outlined that would allow the South American region a propositional inclusion of the global digitization of international relations.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Vega, D. (2023). The digital environment of the diplomat 4.0: proposal for a framework. International Politics, (130), 61–78.