Intimate enemies or strategic rivals?: a theoretical approach to the relationship between China and India




China - India Relationship, Enduring Rivalry, conflict resolution, cooperation and interdependence


This article reviews the complex relationship between China and India, marked by both historical tensions and increasing economic cooperation. It aims to understand this hostile intimacy, which challenges conventional explanations from classical theories of International Relations. In this regard, an approach to the theory of 'Enduring Rivalries' is proposed as an alternative framework to understand this prolonged and multifaceted relationship. To this end, the study proposes a development focused on three sections: a historical analysis of bilateral relations, a debate on the relevance of 'Enduring Rivalries,' and an exploration of the relationship's impact on Southeast Asia and beyond. Thus, seeking to provide a perspective that contributes to a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing both powers at the regional and global levels.

JAGH: Results Analysis, Discussion, Conclusions, and References.

JTC: Theoretical Framework, Methodology, Discussion, Conclusions, and References.


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Author Biographies

Jimy Trujillo, Embajada del Perú en la India


Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Government from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Diplomatic Academy of Peru. Third Secretary in the Diplomatic Service of the Republic.

Jesús Grandez Hidalgo, Consulado General del Perú en Sidney, Australia

Bachelor's degree in Law and Political Science from Ricardo Palma University. Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Diplomatic Academy of Peru. Third Secretary in the Diplomatic Service of the Republic. He is currently serving as Vice Consul at the Consulate General of Peru in Sydney.


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How to Cite

Trujillo, J., & Grandez Hidalgo, J. (2024). Intimate enemies or strategic rivals?: a theoretical approach to the relationship between China and India. International Politics, (135), 94–114.