Dinámicas de poder: la presencia de Francia, China y Rusia en África





Africa, France, China, Russia, Diplomacy, Influence, International Relations.


This article explores the power dynamics between France, China, and Russia in Africa, highlighting how these international actors have influenced the continent's geopolitical and economic landscape. Historically, France has had a significant colonial and post-colonial presence, while in recent decades, China and Russia have increased their influence through strategies that include economic investments, military cooperation and diplomacy. The interplay between these powers has not only reshaped international relations in Africa but also raises important considerations for the governance and sustainable development of the continent. This complex web of relationships suggests the need for skillful and strategic diplomacy that balances external influences with the autonomous aspirations of African states, contributing to a more multipolar and equitable global order.


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Author Biography

Max Hernández Chanamé, MInisterio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú

Diplomático. Magíster en Gestión Pública por la Universidad del Pacífico. Master en Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales por la Academia Diplomática del Perú. Ha prestado funciones en la Embajada del Perú en la República federativa del Brasil. Actualmente, responsable de los asuntos económicos en la Embajada del Perú en la República Francesa.


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How to Cite

Hernández Chanamé, M. (2024). Dinámicas de poder: la presencia de Francia, China y Rusia en África. International Politics, (135), 115–136. https://doi.org/10.61249/pi.vi135.141