The role of Peruvian diplomacy in the recognition of the independence of Peru through Spain


  • Francis Natalíe Chávez Aco



Recognition of states, international law in nineteen century, independence, diplomatic recognition, implied recognition


The recognition of the independence of Peru by Spain was one of the first and main objectives of the nascent republic. Most of the Latin American republics obtained recognition by the former metropolitan state through the early signing of bilateral treaties, which was not the case of Peru. This article addresses the long process to obtain the recognition of independence by Spain, led by the young Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and that was finally obtained in 1865 with the acceptance of the credentials of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Peru in Spain Domingo Valle Riestra, by Queen Elizabeth II of Spain.


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How to Cite

Chávez Aco, F. N. (2023). The role of Peruvian diplomacy in the recognition of the independence of Peru through Spain. International Politics, (129), 22–40.