The strategic competition between the United States and China: views from the US Congress.




China, United States, Global Competition, Strategic competition, international relations, foreign policy, conflict


The relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China is particularly relevant in the international arena since the rise of the Asian giant increasingly challenges the hegemonic position of the United States. The strategic competition between the United States and China is a reality and the bilateral relationship between both powers remains ambivalent, fluctuating between association and rivalry. In this context, the US Congress seeks an effective response to the "China threat" and increasingly influences how this relationship is conceived. The growing interference by Capitol Hill brings new dynamics to a bilateral relationship with China that is already tense and complex.


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Author Biography

Diego Castillo Hartung, Embassy of Peru in Washington, D.C., USA

Diego Castillo Hartung. Political scientist and diplomat. Born on November 2, 1983. He studied political science at the University of Vienna, Austria. In 2011, he graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of Peru and joined the Diplomatic Service in 2012. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has served as an official in the Directorate-General for the Americas, an official in the Directorate for Economic Affairs, Deputy Director for the Pacific Alliance, advisor to the Ministerial Office, and coordinator of the Vice-Ministerial Office of Foreign Affairs. Abroad, he served at the Embassy of Peru in Colombia from 2014 to 2019. He is currently serving at the Embassy of Peru in the United States. He is married and has three children.


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How to Cite

Castillo Hartung, D. (2024). The strategic competition between the United States and China: views from the US Congress. International Politics, (135), 33–53.