The new emergence of the BRICS (2.0) and the prospects for its consolidation in the international system



BRICS, multipolarity, Global South, governance, South-South cooperation


The BRICS group has become an alternative that disputes the hegemony of the West in global financial governance, through concrete initiatives for the benefit of its members, such as the New Development Bank. Its recent expansion in 2024, reflects a growing interest produced by this initiative and its noticeable consolidation as a representative of the Global South. Likewise, it invites to analyze cooperation possibilities for its members in other areas, as well as to examine the difficulties they face in strengthening this bloc.


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Author Biography

Daniel Alejandro Fernandez Wilson, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Segundo Secretario en el Servicio Diplomático del Perú. Magíster en Derecho (LL.M.), con mención en Derecho Internacional Público, por la Universidad de Heidelberg, Alemania. Máster en Administración y Gobernanza en organizaciones sin fines de lucro, por la Universidad de Heidelberg, Alemania. Magíster en Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales de la Academia Diplomática del Perú. Abogado por la Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco. Actualmente, desempeña funciones en la Embajada del Perú en Bolivia.


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How to Cite

Fernandez Wilson, D. A. (2024). The new emergence of the BRICS (2.0) and the prospects for its consolidation in the international system. International Politics, (135), 71–93. Retrieved from