Reflections on 65 years of the Japanese archaeological mission to Peru


  • Peter Kaulicke



History, archaeology, Japan, Peru, relevance of Archaeological Mission, Formative, Kotosh, Huacaloma, Kuntur Wasi, recent projects


This paper is dedicated to the celebration of the 65 years of the Japanese Archaeological Mission in Peru, in the same year of the 150 years of diplomatic relations between Peru and Japan. Short reviews of the histories of archaeology in both countries led to the arrival of Japanese archaeologists in 1958.Their most relevant successes are the published results of Kotosh (Huánuco) and those at Huacaloma, Kuntur Wasi and recently Pacopampa, among others (northern highlands and coast). Their contributions to the chronology and the diversified nature of the Formative Periods are outstanding.


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How to Cite

Kaulicke , P. (2023). Reflections on 65 years of the Japanese archaeological mission to Peru. International Politics, (134), 283–291.



Essays for the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Peru and Japan