Evaluation Rules

  1. Authors will register in the "Submissions" section of the journal's website and submit their articles through the platform. Once the registration and submission process is complete, the author will receive an email confirming the receipt.

  1. The Editor-in-Chief reviews the articles in the initial stage and verifies that they meet all the requirements of the Call for Papers, both in terms of form and content. At this stage, support from the Editorial Board is also available if necessary.

  1. If the articles do not adhere to the requirements or deviate from the main theme of the journal, they will not be accepted, and this decision will be communicated to the authors.

  2. The articles that pass this initial evaluation will undergo anonymous peer review by two experts in the field, appointed by the Editorial Board for each edition. As it is an international relations journal, one reviewer will always be a seasoned diplomatic expert in the topic, and the other will be a recognized academic with expertise in the subject matter.

  3. The reviewers will evaluate the feasibility of publishing the articles presented to them in a format that ensures the anonymity of the authors. Additionally, the reviewers will not know each other's identities during the evaluation process.

  4. Each reviewer will provide a report for each article, recommending whether the text is publishable as is, with modifications, or not publishable.

  5. The possible recommendations are as follows:

    1. The article is recommended for publication in Política Internacional.
    1. The article is not recommended for publication in Política Internacional.
    1. The article is recommended for publication provided that the author makes the following changes and submits it again for evaluation.
  1. The editorial team will inform the authors of this decision after evaluating the recommendations of the anonymous reviewers. If the recommendation is to publish with modifications, the authors will have the opportunity to resubmit the article after addressing the feedback.
  1. Articles that required modifications will be shared with the Editorial Board for their respective review.
  1. It should be noted that at this stage, the articles will be subjected to Turnitin software to detect plagiarism and other issues.
  1. Upon completing this stage, the selected articles will undergo a style review by an editor, who will ensure that they meet all the formatting requirements (bibliography, citations, references, etc.). The articles will then be returned to the authors for any necessary changes.
  1. After successfully passing all the preceding stages, the Editor-in-Chief submits the articles to the Editorial Board for final review. If no reservations are found, the respective publications will proceed.