Japan and Peru in 150 years of friendship and strategic partnership united across the Pacific Ocean


  • Kazuyuki Katayama




Japan-Peru, 150 years of friendship, strategic partners united across the Pacific Ocean, Katayama Kazuyuki


This year marks 150 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Peru, a historic connection that represents an enduring and fruitful friendship. Peru plays a crucial role as the first Latin American country to establish relations with Japan, marking the beginning of a significant collaboration. Through commemorative events, milestones such as the first Japanese investment abroad are highlighted, strengthening economic cooperation. Japanese migration has enriched the Peruvian cultural fabric, evidencing the diversity that characterizes the relationship. The election of Peru's first Nikkei President underscores the successful integration of the Japanese community in the country's political life. Peru's strategic importance in the region and its role as a key partner for Japan in various areas is recognized. The Japanese perception of Latin America has been enriched, facilitating greater cultural understanding and business opportunities. Facing the challenges ahead, there is a renewed commitment to build on these 150 years of strong friendship. A collaborative and prosperous future is anticipated between Japan and Peru, based on this rich shared history.


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How to Cite

Katayama, K. (2023). Japan and Peru in 150 years of friendship and strategic partnership united across the Pacific Ocean. International Politics, (134), 203–215. https://doi.org/10.61249/pi.vi134.100



Essays for the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Peru and Japan